PART 5 : 'De Terugkeer van de Koning' from 1997 - 2005 + 'De Aanhangsels' (29.07.05 by Johan Vanhecke) -
Next follows the final part of the overview of the three-volume editions. This part covers all the prints of Part III [Ac], The Return of the King translated into Dutch + the appendices.
In combination to this article there was made an easy to use identification table for 'In de Ban van de Ring', giving a fast overview of every different printing, making the identification of your own 'In de Ban van de Ring' a lot more easier.
[Ac] The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King.
[A11c] In de Ban van de Ring 3. De Terugkeer van de Koning.
In de Ban van de Ring 3. De Terugkeer van de Koning. Translated by Max Schuchart. [Utrecht:] Het Spectrum, 1997. 21.0 x 13.0, 360 pp. 44th, completely revised printing. ISBN 90-274-6462-X.
Reprinted in 2000.
The map of Middle-earth, redrawn by Cees Kelfkens is printed in black across the pages [0-1] and the map of A part of the Shire is on p. [6]. The synopsis of the previous parts starts on p. 7, but that should have been p. 9. On p. 12 is Kelfkens' redrawn map of a part of Rohan, Gondor and Mordor. There are no appendices.
The upper cover has tolkien's illustration of Dunharrow and a detail from the bottom section of the colour sketch of Moria Gate. tolkien's name and the title of the book are printed in gold, a blurb in black back. (see image, click for enlargement).
On the spine is again the detail from Moria Gate, the title and tolkien's name in gold, and the Spectrum device in black.
The lower cover has a reduced Dunharrow, and the blurb, title, tolkien's name and the publisher data in black, and the Tolkien monogram in red-brown.
[A14c] In de Ban van de Ring 3. De terugkeer van de koning.
In de Ban van de Ring 3. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by
Max Schuchart. [Utrecht:]
Het Spectrum, [november]
2001. 21.0 x 13.0, 360 pp. 4
6th printing. ISBN
The cover is grey with thick black tengwar in the background. The small illustration on the medaillon in the middle is by
Erik Kriek and shows a flying nazgûl (
see image, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A11c.
Reprinted twice in
2001 (
47th and
48th printing).
[A14cM] In de Ban van de Ring 3. De terugkeer van de koning.
Reprinted in 2002 for Uitgeverij M with a new ISBN: 90-225-3195-3 (49th, 51st, 52nd and 56th printing)
[A15c] Filmedition FotR - The Lord of the Rings 3. De terugkeer van de koning.
The Lord of the Rings 3. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M, [march]
2002. 360 pp., 21.5 x 14.0,
50th printing. ISBN 90- 225 3169-4.
Has a folded cover with the map of Middle-earth (23.5 x 21.5) on the inside. The cover from the film The fellowship of the Ring shows the nine walkers in a red background. 'J.R.R. Tolkien' and 'De Twee Torens' are printed in white, while the overall English title is the New Line Cinema title (
see image, click for enlargement).
The map of Middle-earth, redrawn by Cees Kelfkens is printed in black across the pages [0-1] and the map of A part of the Shire is on p. [8]. The synopsis of the previous parts starts on p. 9. On p. [14] is Kelfkens' redrawn map of a part of Rohan, Gondor and Mordor. There are no appendices.
Reprinted in 2002 ( 53rd printing)
[A18c] In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning.
In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M,
2002 360 pp., 22.0 x 14.5, hardback. Cover by
John Howe.
54th printing. ISBN
Reprinted in
2002 (
59th printing).
Bound in black cloth over boards, with red/yellow headbands and gilt lettering on the spine: "rule / J.R.R. / TOLKIEN / rule / IN / DE BAN / VAN DE / RING / EERSTE BOEK / rule / DE TERUGKEER / VAN DE KONING / [M-Logo]". On the dustjacket is
John Howe's
Guards at Minas Tirith , with Tolkien name and the title in white letters against a red panel on top (
see image, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A11c.
[A19c] Filmedition TTT - The Lord of the Rings 3. De terugkeer van de koning.
The Lord of the Rings 3. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M,
2002 360 pp., M, 21.5 x 14.0. (filmeditie TTT)
55th printing. ISBN 90-225-3377-8.
Has a folded cover with the map of Middle-earth (23.5 x 21.5) on the inside. The cover from the film The Two Towers shows Barad-Dur printed in green tones. 'J.R.R. Tolkien' and 'De Twee Torens' are printed in white, while the overall English title is the New Line Cinema title (
see image, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A11c.
Reprinted in
2002 (
60th and
61st printing)
[A21c] Filmedition RotK - The Lord of the Rings. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning.
The Lord of the Rings. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M, [oktober]
2003. 358 + [2] pp., 21.5 x 14.0.
62th printing. ISBN 90-225-3752-8.
Has a folded cover with the map of Middle-earth (23.5 x 21.5) on the inside. The cover from the film The return of the King shows Gandalf wielding Glamdring. 'J.R.R. Tolkien' and 'De Terugkeer van de Koning' are printed in white, while the overall English title is the New Line Cinema title (
see image, click for enlargement).
Reset text. The map of A part of the Shire is on p. [6]. The synopsis of the previous parts starts on p. 7. On p. [12] is
Kelfkens' redrawn map of a part of Rohan, Gondor and Mordor. There are no appendices.
[A22c] In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning.
In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M, [oktober]
2003. 358 + [2] pp., 22.0 x 14.5, hardback. Cover by
Alan Lee.
63rd pinting. ISBN
Bound in red textured paper over boards, with red/green headbands. On the spine in gilt: J.R.R. / TOLKIEN / IN / DE BAN / VAN DE / RING / DERDE BOEK / [rule] / DE TERUGKEER / VAN DE KONING / [M-logo]. ]". On the dustjacket is
Alan Lee's Dunharrow against a brown background, with Tolkien name and the title in white letters against a red panel on top (
see image, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A21c.
[A23c] In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning.
In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M,
2004. 360 pp., 22.0 x 14.5, hardback.
64th printing. ISBN
Bound in paper over boards, with yellow headband. No dustjacket issued. Cover in blue with golden shiny lettering. The lower cover has tolkien's name, a yellow circle withe the One Ring, and the title (
see image, click for enlargement). On the spine are the same things. The lower cover has a blurb and the Ring.
The map of Middle-earth, redrawn by Cees Kelfkens is printed (twice) in red on the endpapers. On the back of the lower endpaper is the family tree of Samwise Gamgee, drawn by Rien van der Kraan. In the middle of the titelpage the last lines of the ring verse in black speech tengwar are printed, like they are below the French title. A map of A part of the Shire is on p. [8]. On p. [14] is Kelfkens' redrawn map of a part of Rohan, Gondor and Mordor. There are no appendices.
Special edition for 50 years In de ban van de ring.
[A24c] In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning.
In de Ban van de Ring. Derde Boek. De terugkeer van de koning. Translated by Max Schuchart. Amsterdam/Utrecht: Zwarte Beertjes, 2005. 517 + [3] pp. 17.5 x 11.4. 65th printing, hardback. ISBN 90-461-2085-6.
Pocket edition in the Zwarte Beertjes series as nr. 3346. Cover (apart from the editor's logo) and printing matter identical to A23c (see image, click for enlargement).
[Ad] Appendices
Since 1980 it happened that The Appendices were sometimes published as a seperate volume. Over time this volume has seen reprints, different covers and sometimes the text is reset. Next follows an overview of the Appendices.
[A4a] In de Ban van de Ring. Aanhangsels.
In de Ban van de Ring. Aanhangsels. Translated by Max Schuchart. Utrecht/Antwerpen: Het Spectrum, 1980. 19.5 x 11.5, 159 pp., hardback. ISBN 90 274 7103 7.
Bound in dark-green cloth over boards. The dust-jacket is green with the title in light-green lettering. The illustration in the medallion is a detail from "Bilbo awoke with de sun in his eyes" (see image, click for enlargement).
[A5d] In de Ban van de Ring. Aanhangsels.
In de Ban van de Ring. Aanhangsels. Translated by Max Schuchart. Utrecht/Antwerpen: Het Spectrum, 1981. 180 x 108, 159 pp. ISBN 90 274 1066 6 [Prisma 1936].
The cover is identical to the dust-jacket of the hardback (see image, click for enlargement). It is the first edition as a Prisma-pocket.
2nd printing: 1984
3rd printing: 1984
4th printing: 1985
5th printing: 1985
[A7d] In de Ban van de Ring
In de Ban van de Ring. Aanhangsels. Translated by Max Schuchart. Utrecht/Antwerpen: Het Spectrum, 1996. 210 x 130, 118 p.
With an article on the life and work of Tolkien in Dutch, namely "schets van leven en werk van Tolkien" written by René van Rossenberg. Reprint from the translation of the appendices from 1958, in the white series.
The upper cover has John Howe's Gandalf the Grey and a small illustration of the Ring in the fire of Mount Doom. tolkien's name and the title of the book are printed in gold, a blurb in black (see image, click for enlargement).
On the spine is again the small illustration of the Ring in the fire of Mount Doom, the title and tolkien's name in gold, and the Spectrum device in black.
The lower cover has a reduced Gandalf the Grey, and the blurb, title, tolkien's name and the publisher data in black, and the Tolkien monogram in red-brown.
[A14d] In de Ban van de Ring. De Aanhangsels.
In de Ban van de Ring. De Aanhangsels. Translated by Max Schuchart. [Utrecht]: Het Spectrum, 2001. 210 x 130, 160 p. ISBN 90 274 7592 X.
Includes an article on Tolkien in Dutch, next to "schets van leven en werk van Tolkien", written by René van Rossenberg.
Second, revised printing with this time the translation of the definite appendices as published in 1980, in the silver series with a drawing by Erik Kriek (silhouette of Tolkien with pipe in an archive) (see image, click for enlargement).
3th printing: 2002 at Uitgeverij M, with ISBN 90-225-3214-3
4th printing: 2004
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