The Tolkien Library Site was started by Pieter Collier in November 2002 with the purpose of becoming a resource for serious Tolkien Collectors. As the popularity of the site grew I had to invest more and more in time and in money to keep the site running. To make sure that the costs did not become too much to bare the Tolkien Library Shop has been added and I have started to run some advertising on second level pages. This is how you can help:
We have created the Shop at the Tolkien Library Rare Book Store as a way to show all rare Tolkien books toegther and as a source of income. The Shop basically offers the rarest books from different sellers and everytime you purchase an item in the shop we will earn a commission. This commission is not taken in any way from the price that you have to pay for the products and is an easy and fun way to enlarge your Tolkien collection while supporting our cause financially.
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