PART 3 : 'De Reisgenoten' from 1997 - 2005 (29.07.05 by Johan Vanhecke) -
In 1997 a revision of the translation was issued, but the three-volume edition followed the old printing numbers. Since 1997 there are a lot of reprints, different covers and sometimes the text is reset.
Next follows an overview of all the three-volume editions, seperated into 3 parts. The first part covers all the prints of Part I [Aa], the Fellowship of the Ring translated into Dutch.
In combination to this article there was made an easy to use identification table for 'In de Ban van de Ring', giving a fast overview of every different printing, making the identification of your own 'In de Ban van de Ring' a lot more easier.
[Aa] The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring.
[A11a] In de Ban van de Ring 1. De reisgenoten.
![[A11a] In de Ban van de Ring 1. De reisgenoten](../translations/dutch/images/a11a.jpg)
![[A11a] In de Ban van de Ring - spines](../translations/dutch/images/a11abcsp.jpg)
In de Ban van de Ring 1. De Reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. [Utrecht:]
Het Spectrum,
1997. 21.0 x 13.0, 491 + [5] pp.
44th, completely revised printing. ISBN
Reprinted in
1999 and
The map of Middle-earth, redrawn by
Cees Kelfkens is printed in black across the pages [2-3] and the map of A part of the Shire is on p. [36]. On p. 9-13 is tolkien's foreword from the
1966 edition. P 15 gives a note by the translator. The prologue starts on p. 17. Moria Gate is on p. 372 and the runes on Balin's Tomb on p. 387.
The upper cover has tolkien's illustration of
Old Man Willow and a detail from the bottom section of the colour sketch of
Moria Gate. tolkien's name and the title of the book are printed in gold, a blurb in black (
see images, click for enlargement).
On the spine is again the detail from
Moria Gate, the title and tolkien's name in gold, and the Spectrum device in black.
The lower cover has a reduced
Old Man Willow, and the blurb, title, tolkien's name and the publisher data in black, and the Tolkien monogram in red-brown.
[A14a] In de Ban van de Ring 1. De reisgenoten.
In de Ban van de Ring 1. De reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. [Utrecht:]
Het Spectrum, [november]
2001. 21.0 x 13.0, 491 + [5] pp.
47th printing. ISBN
The cover is grey with thick black tengwar in the background.
The small illustration on the medaillon in the middle is by
Erik Kriek and shows Gandalf on horseback (
see image, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A11a.
[A14aM] In de Ban van de Ring 1. De reisgenoten.
Reprinted in
2002 for
Uitgeverij M with a new ISBN:
90 225-3193-7.
The cover is grey with thick black tengwar in the background. The small illustration on the medaillon in the middle is by
Erik Kriek and shows Gandalf on horseback (
see image, click for enlargement).
The difference between A14a and A14aM is the publishers name (Het Spectrum and Uitgeverij M).
Reprinted several times
57th and
63rd printing).
[A15a] Filmedition FotR - The Lord of the Rings 1. De reisgenoten.
The Lord of the Rings 1. De reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. [Utrecht:]
Het Spectrum, [November]
2001. 491 + [5] pp., 21.5 x 14.0, (filmeditie)
48th printing. ISBN
90 274 7575-x.
Has a folded cover with the map of Middle-earth (23.5 x 21.5) on the inside. The cover shows the nine walkers in a green background from the film
The fellowship of the Ring. 'J.R.R. Tolkien' and 'De Reisgenoten' are printed in white, while the overall English title is the New Line Cinema title (
see image, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A11a.
Reprinted in
2002 for
Uitgeverij M with a new ISBN:
Reprinted several times
59th and
60th printing).
[A18a] In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten.
In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M,
2002. 491 + [5] pp. 22.0 x 14.5. Cover by
John Howe.
61st printing, hardback. ISBN
Reprinted in
2002 (
66th printing) and
2003 (
70th printing).
Bound in black textured paper over boards, with red/yellow headbands. Gilt lettering on the spine: "rule / J.R.R. / TOLKIEN / rule / IN / DE BAN / VAN DE / RING / EERSTE BOEK / rule / DE REISGENOTEN / [M-Logo]".
On the dustjacket is
John Howe's Rivendell, with Tolkien name and the title in white letters against an orange panel on top (
see images, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A11a.
[A19a] Filmedition TTT - The Lord of the Rings 1. De reisgenoten.
The Lord of the Rings 1. De reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M,
2002. 491 + [5] pp., 21.5 x 14.0, (filmeditie TTT)
62th printing. ISBN 90-225-3375-1.
Has a folded cover with the map of Middle-earth (23.5 x 21.5) on the inside. The cover shows the Tower of Orthanc from the film
The Two Towers printed in green tones. 'J.R.R. Tolkien' and 'De Reisgenoten' are printed in white, while the overall English title is the New Line Cinema title (
see image, click for enlargement).
Same printing matter as A11a. (although I don't know if and when it changes in this edition).
Reprinted in
2002 (
69th) and
2003 (
[A21a] Filmedition RotK. - The Lord of the Rings. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten
The Lord of the Rings. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M, [October]
2003. 487 + [9] pp., 21.5 x 14.0,
72th printing. ISBN
90 225 3750 1.
Has a folded cover with the map of Middle-earth (23.5 x 21.5) on the inside. The cover shows Merry and Pippin in the film
The return of the King, with a sword in their hands, between the ruins of Isengard. 'J.R.R. Tolkien' and 'De Reisgenoten' are printed in white, while the overall English title is the New Line Cinema title (
see image, click for enlargement).
The text is reset. The map of A part of the Shire is on p. [34]. On p. 7-11 is tolkien's foreword from the
1966 edition, and on p 13-14 a note by the translator. The prologue starts on p. 15. The Ring-inscription is on p. 71. Moria Gate is omitted, as are the runes on Balin's Tomb that should have been on p. 384.
Reprinted in
2004 (
74th printing).
[A22a] In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten.
In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M,
2003. 487 + [9] pp. 22.0 x 14.5 Cover by
Alan Lee.
73rd printing, hardback. ISBN
Bound in red textured paper over boards, with red and green headbands. Gilt lettering on the spine: "J.R.R. / TOLKIEN / IN / DE BAN / VAN DE / RING / EERSTE BOEK / rule / DE REISGENOTEN / [M-Logo]".
On the dustjacket is
Alan Lee's Rivendell against an orange background, with Tolkien name and the title in white letters against a red panel on top (
see image, click for enlargement).
Text on the spine in guilt. The map of Middle-earth, redrawn by
Cees Kelfkens is printed in black on the endpapers and the map of A part of the Shire is on p. [34]. On p. 7-11 is tolkien's foreword from the
1966 edition. P. 13 gives a note by the translator.
The prologue starts on p. 15. Moria Gate is omitted and the runes on Balin's Tomb should have been on p. 384, but are not printed.
[A23a] In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten.
![[A23a] In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten](../translations/dutch/images/a23afr.jpg)
In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten. Translated by
Max Schuchart. Amsterdam:
Uitgeverij M,
2004. 491 + [5] pp., 22.0 x 14.5.
74th printing, hardback. ISBN
Bound in paper over boards, with yellow headband. No dustjacket issued. Cover in red with golden shiny lettering. The upper cover has tolkien's name, a green eye surrounded by golden tengwar, and the title (
see image, click for enlargement). On the spine are the same things, but from the eye only the pupil, closed like a catseye. The lower cover has a blurb and the eye pupil open.
Reset. The map of Middle-earth, redrawn by
Cees Kelfkens is printed (twice) in red on the endpapers. On the back of the lower endpaper is the family tree of Samwise Gamgee, drawn by Rien van der Kraan. In the middle of the titelpage the gate of Moria is printed, like it is below the French title.
The map of A part of the Shire is on p. [36]. On p. 9-13 is tolkien's foreword from the
1966 edition. P. 15 gives a note by the translator. The prologue starts on p. 17. Moria Gate is on p. 371 and the runes on Balin's Tomb should have been on p. 387, but are not printed.
Special edition for the 50th anniversary of In de ban van de ring .
[A24a] In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten.
In de Ban van de Ring. Eerste Boek. De reisgenoten. Translated by Max Schuchart. Amsterdam/Utrecht: Zwarte Beertjes, 2005. 491 + [5] pp., 17.5 x 11.4. 75th printing. ISBN 90-461-2083-x.
Pocket edition in the Zwarte Beertjes series as nr. 3344. Cover (apart from the editor's logo) and printing matter identical to A23a (see images, click for enlargement).
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