Books about J.R.R.Tolkien - Unsung Heroes of The Lord of the Rings: from the page to the screen

Short Description:

The Adventures of Tom Bombadil consists of 16 poems, three of which are about Tom Bombadil himself, one about a hobbit and a troll, two about the Man in the Moon, six which represent simply "adventures," and four which are in the nature of a bestiary. There is a wealth of good storytelling and mythmaking here. For those who love The Lord of the Rings, there are hobbits in the Shire, elves sailing west, and enough familiar places to give one the feel of Middle Earth as the setting.

Originally published by George Allen and Unwin in 1962 (2nd ed. 1990) and by Houghton Mifflin in 1963 (2nd Amer. ed 1991);The adventures of Tom Bombadil was also published in The Tolkien Reader, Farmer Giles of Ham and The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, Poems and Stories and poems in this book are often used in anthologies.

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