This gallery presents the covers of 'the Hobbit' from around the globe, arranged by the year of publication. In here no English or American editions are presented; only the covers of translations of 'the Hobbit' from all different countries are shown. This gallery is meant to grow (a lot) since we do not have all covers of all countries (yet). Tolkien books tend to get many editions (some countries publish 'the Hobbit' every year) and the cover changes over years. To keep an overview in this gallery we will always show as many covers as possible, to give a complete overview.
Please help us out and send (high resolution) scans of 'the Hobbit' covers from your country to us. Please do not forget to tell us the date of publication and your name (we will add your name in the "Hobbits around the globe - credits" page). We hope this gallery will one day give a nice overview of all "Hobbits" out there!
Pictures (click to enlarge):
Click on a picture to enlarge it