Mind on Fire Tolkien book giveaway (08.01.11 by Pieter Collier) -
John from Mind on Fire is organising a "Book a Day: Giveaway"... a nice idea! There is no better thing then giving away books! Today they are on day 8 and are giving away:
tolkien's World: Paintings of Middle-earth.
John writes: "
I loved Tolkien growing up, and read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings religiously every 18 months or so. Some of the kids’ earliest memories are of me reading about Frodo’s journey every night before bed, and it was a geeky parental point of pride when CatGirl decided to spend one winter break watching the extended version of all three Peter Jackson films, and then went back to watch the various commentaries.
I think I may have outgrown Tolkien. Or rather, there is so much else that is strange and wonderful out there that I no longer feel the need to return to the comforts of Middle Earth. But I still have a deep and abiding love for the stories and characters in that world".
So now he is looking for a new home for his copy of
tolkien's World: Paintings of Middle-earth. All you have to do for a chance to receive this book is go to the website of Mind on Fire and leave a comment below the article telling about what Tolkien means to you.

The book you can receive is a coffee table book and full of art by the greatest Tolkien illustrators. In this book nine talented painters contribute powerful interpretations of Middle-earth, each one accompanied by the text that inspired it. Artists include Inger Edelfeldt, Tony Galuidi, Roger Garland, Robert Goldsmith, Michael Hague, John Howe, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith, and Carol Emery Phenix.
John writes: "To be honest, it’s not the most impressive coffee table book in the world–the pictures could be a bit more vibrant, I think. But I reveled in it, and any Tolkien lover would appreciate it".
This book was published in 1992 and for Tolkien book collectors this is easy to see, since it shows a very typical 92 design. Most Tolkien lovers will remember this year, since a lot of celebrations where going for tolkien's centenary. A lot of editions came out and all had a similar look & feel. This however is one of the nicest coffee tables books procuded. I remember very well I spent hours looking into that book. It was the first time I saw the art from Ted Nasmith... and I was very much impressed.
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