The Epic Realm of Tolkien - Part One - Beren and Lúthien (13.07.09 by Pieter Collier) - Comments

There has been released a new work about the Epic Realm of Tolkien by the authors Alex Lewis and Elizabeth Curie, who previously have published The Uncharted Realms of Tolkien: A Critical Study of Text, Context and Subtext in the Works of J.R.R.Tolkien and The Forsaken Realm of Tolkien: JRR Tolkien and the Medieval Traditio.

This new paperback is part of a series that explores links in tolkien's writings with the Arthurian tradition. The first book in the series has just been released and has received once again a very fabulous cover design by Ruth Lacon.

I expect this book to be genuinely thought-provoking, and readers will find plenty to get their teeth into - if this books follows the same path as the previous publications. For sure I look forward to read about the links between Beren and Luthien's tale and the Arthurian Legends.
The Epic Realm of Tolkien - Part One - Beren and Lúthien

Since there is not a lot of info available and I did not read this book myself (yet) I give here the info provided by the publisher:

Lewis and Currie continue their ground-breaking studies with an examination of tolkien's most personal story, the Tale of Beren and Lúthien in its various forms.

It is analysed from the early version in the Book of Lost Tales, through the incomparable poetry of the Lay of Leithian, through to beyond the Silmarillion version and the ideas that Tolkien was working towards the end of his life. The astonishing and powerful connections between Beren and Lúthien's tale and the Arthurian legends in their various forms are examined and give a fascinating glimpse into the world of medieval literature which Professor Tolkien knew and loved so well.

Find out how Tevildo Demon-Prince of Cats came into the tale and then was dropped in favour of other concepts, how Tolkien pondered over whether Beren should be a mortal man or an immortal elf. And throughout these tales run the foundations of Arthurian Story in a fascinating way.

The connections that Lewis and Currie pursue lead to an elegant and original explanation of the creative purpose behind the Book of Lost Tales as a concept, and also give compelling insight as to how this related to the concept inherent within the Silmarillion and tolkien's Legendarium itself.

In Epic Realms of Tolkien, learn also of the true significance of the Eriol / Aelfwine character and his adventures and deeds.

Lewis and Currie will continue their investigations into the links in tolkien's writings with the Arthurian tradition in Part Two (not published yet).

The Epic Realm of Tolkien: Part One - Beren and Lúthien

Type: Paperback
Estimate: 232 pages

ADC Publications Ltd
Publication date: 6 Jul 2009

ISBN-10: 0955190037
ISBN-13: 978-0955190032

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