So the search continues. After this, we start to believe again more missing pictures might resurface!
Here's a list of the paintings, with the page numbers from A Tolkien Tapestry for the ones that appear in the book. Roman numerals refer to paintings of which more than one version was created. The titles in bold type are ones Blok is particularly interested in tracing:
"The Game of Riddles" (p. 59)
"Gandalf persuades Bilbo to leave the Ring to Frodo" (p. 53)
"Weathertop" (p. 76)
"The Balrog II" (p. 92)
"Frodo's Vision on Amon Hen" (pp. 100-101)
"Isengard" (p. 115)
"Gollum's Promise" (p. 121)
"The Forbidden Pool" (p. 128)
"The Cross-roads" (p. 129)
"Sam Attacks Shelob" (p. 132)
"The Stone of Erech" (p. 135)
"The Dead Marshes I"
Of the last one we don't know how it looks like, since no images were kept. At least we can now show you how Ascent of Orodruin looked like!
And yes, we still have reproductions and original art by Cor Blok available.
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