Before the release of the paperback the book was only available as an e-book. The thing with e-books is that they are easily produced and the cover images sometimes shows the worst of DIY work. In this case I wished I should not have shown the cover image, since I feel like it screams at you. Could be my own opinion, but the yellow on black, the horrible typefont and the shade behind the ring just all looks so unprofessional and ugly that I did not feel like going on. The next thing that kept me thinking was whether the name J.R.R. Tolkien can be used like this... alas the title Riddles by a J.R.R. Tolkien Fan fascinated me and so I had a look at the rest of the book. Also, the author received permission from The JRR Tolkien Estate Ltd to publish the book, as you will see on the copyright page.
The author, clearly a fan of The Hobbit, must have had the same idea as the creaters of the Riddles in the Dark page:
"Feeling tricksy my precious? Up for a game? Try to answer my riddles or submit one of your own."
Except for the fact that that web page just steals original riddles from the book and the book has original and new riddles... clearly the system is the same. One page with a riddle, another with the answer. At the website you can at least send in new ones and got all the blinky sharing buttons... and the book already ends after only 40 brainbrakers. But as said I received info fromt he author that in the coming weeks an new interactive format will be available. Sounds interesting!
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