Literary Degrees
You can get a degree in English Literature. This degree is marked by classical reading classes, the study of writing, and the interpretation of some of the world's greatest works. This bachelor of arts degree in English Literature is right for you if you're into writing, want to be a teacher, or desire a job that requires a great deal of research. You may be called upon to write a thesis paper, evaluating a great work of literature. This may be the perfect time to start thinking critically about The Lord of the Rings.
If you choose to major in English Literature, you can look forward to any of these interesting jobs:
· Publishing
· Writing
· Education
· Marketing, sales, or advertising
· Social worker
· Researching for any number of businesses
Saving for College
No matter what degree program you choose, you'll need to start thinking seriously about saving for college. It's not going to be easy setting off into the unknown and just like Frodo you're going to need to constantly be thinking ahead. You don't want to be left out of extra-curriculars or run out of money before affording the things you need. It's important to know what a college is offering.
College tuition planning is essential. You'll want to sit down with your parents and budget for everything. You'll want to know what your fees and bills are going to look like, but also include your spending and food money. Creating a budget is essential, as this is a great place to start thinking about spending. You have to know the college you want is the college you can afford.
The Highly Sought After ‘Tolkien' Class
Like the One Ring, there is a Tolkien class available to select students in rare colleges across the world. Finding a college that offers this course and then getting on the list to take it may prove a challenge, on par with a trek to Mordor. If you're up to it, apply to one of these colleges to take their imaginative and informative Tolkien courses.
Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan offers a deep analysis of tolkien's classic work and that of The Chronicles of Narnia writer's C.S. Lewis. This class is available to Theology majors, but can be taken as an elective for some other majors.
If an online course is more your style, try applying at the University of Wales Institute in Cardiff. Their J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth and Middle-earth in Context class is very intensive, quite popular, and offers a whopping 20 credits upon completion.
What Would J.R.R. Do?
If we had to guess what tolkien's college advice would be, it's imagined he'd tell you to follow your heart. It's likely the great writer would urge you to follow your gut straight into adventure. As was said in The Lord of the Rings:
"It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule."
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