About the author James Dunning
James Dunning, an itinerant military brat of old Southern stock, later settled and grew up largely in Georgia, but has lived also in the five other states, and in Europe. He acquired university background in psychology, languages and linguistics, later receiving a doctorate in pharmaceutical research. He separated from military service in West Germany, remaining in Europe for years. He started work at age 12, and worked subsequently as a soldier, teacher, translator / interpreter, pharma researcher, archivist, administrator, editor, and a consultant.
He speaks German, Russian, some Welsh, Modern Greek and Armenian, and odd fragments of other languages. The author has contributed Tolkien commentary to Beyond Bree (USA), Lembas (NL), Walking Tree Press (CH), and Parma Nolë. As an illustrator he operated the website Dolmen Tree Art (www.dolmentree.com) and was awarded the 2006 - 2007 Heren Istarion Imperishable Flame Award of the NE Tolkien Society for tolkien-inspired creation.
His art was featured in Beyond Bree’s 2011 Tolkien Calendar. He provided illustrations for Mark T. Hooker’s books A Tolkienian Mathomium and The Hobbitonian. He also plays Irish / Celtic music for passion, fun and profit. His 1980’s Irish band was immortalized by the late, great fantasy writer Tom Deitz in Fireshaper’s Doom.
The Bright Lady is his first original imaginative fable and he also illustrated its cover. Today he lives a few miles outside Atlanta in a labyrinthine library cleverly disguised as a small house.
Back in 2007 we had a chance to interview James Dunning, you can read this interview here.
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