Walking Tree Publishers known for their high quality books on anything Tolkien have released a book called Hobbit Place-names - A Linguistic Excursion through the Shire.
About the author Rainer Nagel
Rainer Nagel, a professor of English and Linguistics at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, has written numerious articles written in German and English, mainly about the topic of translation of the works by Tolkien. I personally enjoyed very much his “Working with HoMe: Its Use in Researching Shire Place-Names” published in Hither Shore Band 3 the bilingual journal by the German Tolkien Society (Deutschen Tolkien Gesellschaft aka DTG).
A harder nut to crack was an article that compared the German translations of The Lord of the Rings with the original in his article “Verschiedene Interpretationen eines Textes als Grundlage von Übersetzungsstrategien” [“Various Interpretations of a Text as the Basis of Translation Strategies”] that was published in Hither Shore Band 1.
A similar article, The Treatment of Proper Names in the German Edition(s) of The Lord of the Rings as an Example of Norms in Translation Practice, was published by Walking Tree Publishers in Translating Tolkien: Text and Film. A book that is very interesting to all people interested in the words by Tolkien.
From the preface
J.R.R. tolkien's giving of names has garnered considerable attention in the linguistic analysis of tolkien's works. Usually, however, the focus has been on singling out particular names of important individuals and places. Thorough analyses of names (place-names or personal ones) are usually reserved for Elvish names only.
Thus, this book centres on the place-names as found in the Shire as well as Breeland. All those names that are referenced on tolkien's map of the Shire, plus those few that are not found on the map but mentioned in the text, as well as four from The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, are analysed as to their possible "etymologies" against the theoretical backdrop of real-world English place-name research.
tolkien's "own" (in-world) etymologies, insofar as they differ from the real-world ones, are also taken into consideration. Finally, all extant German translations (Scherf and Krege for The Hobbit, Carroux and Krege for The Lord of the Rings) of these names are given and, where necessary, compared. Other media (the films and the Hobbit graphic novel, in particular) are also covered.
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