Below are links that we feel you may want to take a look at or feel it is informative:
Great website concerning lord of the rings toys, merchandise, etc
Great place to find out of print lord of the rings products
Great site with lots of information about the LOTR movies that we all like :-D
Great site for fans of J.R.R Tolkien. Has a good repository of resources and information concerning Middle Earth and J.R.R. Tolkien
Great site with information about the LOTR movies and has a great forum.
Great site with articles and rules for tolkien wargaming. This site is definitely recommended for those who still play tolkien boardgames as it has expanded rules and articles on such games as SPI War of the Ring, Gondor, Sauron, and many more. Check it out!
This site is from the same man who made rules for how to play/reenact Pelennor Fields, Helm's Deep, and Battle of the Five Armies on certain issues of the UK magazine Miniature Wargames. Check out his site! Recommended!