Linguaphone Conversational Course English - Complete set - 16 records and 6 booklets in original box.
The oldest recording of Tolkien made! Prof. J.R.R.Tolkien speaks at the Twentieth Lesson - 'At the Tobacconist's' and the Thirtieth Lesson - 'Wireless'
Linguaphone Coversational Course English Complete incl. 5 (most have only four!) booklets see Wayne Hammond's J.R.R. TOLKIEN: A Descriptive Bibliography on page 384. The oldest recording of Tolkien made! Prof. J.R.R.Tolkien speaks at the Twentieth Lesson - "At the Tobacconist's" & and the Thirtieth Lesson - "Wireless".
Here is a rare and absolutely special plywood box covered with black imitation leather, it measures 27,5 x 27.5 x 6.8 cm and consists of sixteen 78 rpm LP's. The leather is in very good condition for it time’s.
The 5 booklets:
Booklet 1: Linguaphone Conversational Course English has 131 pages (21.0 x 14.0 cm)
The name of Tolkien we can find in the preface: "by Prof.J.R.R.Tolkien M.A., University of Oxford" and in the tekst as well:
"Altogether nine speakers have taken part in the recording of the English Course namely Prof.A.Lloys James, M.A.University Professor of Phonetics; London Prof. J.R.R.Tolkien M.A.,Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon Oxford University; Prof.H.C.K.Wyld B.Litt.,M.A., Merton Professor of English Language and Literature,Oxford University; D.Arundell, M.A.,Fellow of St.John's College Cambridge; J.R.Firth, M.A.,Senior Lecturer, Dept.of Phonetics,London University; V.C.Clinton-Baddely, M.A.,(Cambridge); Proferssor Daniel Jones, M.A.Professor of Phonetics, London University; Miss K.fforde, B.A.(Cambridge), and Miss M.MacOwan."
booklet 2: Is a supplement to Booklet 1 and consists of a translation in Norwegian of the Preface, Contents, and Introduction (Norsk supplement til den illustrerte tekstbok); we can read: 'Professor J.R.R.Tolkien M.A., Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor i Angel-saksisk, Oxford universitet'
Booklet 3: is "Instruksjonbok", a guide in Norwegian for students on how to use Linguaphone in 28 pages.
Booklet 4: is a word list and text of the recordings, in Norwegian, 119 pages, called konversasjons-kursus ENGELSK
Booklet 5: is 'Spoken English and Broken English' by Bernard Show A book released for 50 yaers Liguaphone Danmark, This booklet has number 660 (of 1000 made).
Booklet 6: is Everyday English for Foreign Students by Simeon Potter, Seventh Edition, Revised and reprinted 1951, Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, 168 pages + index.
As an extra there is an A4 enquete and explanation paper called OBESRVER!, both in Norwegian.
This is probably one of the most complete sets ever come on the market featuring all 6 books and extras, this set was meant for the Norwegian market.
The sixteen Records are in brown paper jackets on which advertisements for other Linguaphone courses are printed. The printings alternate black and red.
On the records we can read:
English Lesson 20 AT THE TOBACCONIST'S / Prof. J.R.R.Tolkien Prof.A. Lloyd James
English Lesson 30 WIRELESS / Prof. A.Lloyd James Prof. J.R.R.Tolkien
Tolkien received an invitation, which no doubts he gladly accepted, for he could use the money. He reads the introduction to lesson 20 "At the Tobacconist" and plays the shop owner in de following dialogue with Lloys James as the customer. In Lesson 30 "Wireless" Tolkien plays the part of the proud owner of a radio set who explains to a visitor (Lloyd James again) One can doubt if tolkien's heart was really into this!
Still a very unique Tolkien collectable and very rare to find in this wonderful state.
Digital photo's available, inquire if interested.
Other Tolkien books available, include both the UK and US editions, original cloth bindings, custom fine bindings, and Signed/Numbered/Limited Editions.