Tolkien Library Links

First links go to sites which are similar to this one... the Tolkien collectors:

The Tolkien Collector Wide range of Tolkien literature, criticism and a huge amount of Tolkien related collectibles. For those who want to talk about collecting Tolkien... here is a board to do so!
Tolkienbooks An illustrated guide to Tolkiens books published in England... a website about a fine collection of Tolkiens work... some works shown there are really rare! A must see for book fans!! This site was launched to commemorate J.R.R. tolkien's Eleventy-first Birthday and on it you will find a history of the major works by Tolkien, and a fabulous collection of RARE, SIGNED, and DELUXE EDITION BOOKS, FIRST IMPRESSION COPIES and ORIGINAL ARTWORK for sale.
the Hobbit Canada

Secondly, here are the Tolkien societies:
Tol Harndor - Australia
Endorion - Bulgaria
Sociedad Tolkien Magallanes - Chili
Bri - Denmark
Imladris Denmark
Keskmaa Ordu - Estonia
Suomen Tolkien Seura - Finland
JRRVF - France
Tokiendil - France
Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft - Germany
The Prancing Pony - Greece
Israeli Tolkien Society - Israel
Società Tolkieniana Italiana - Italy
L’Associazione romana studi Tolkieniani - Italy
Sociedad Tolkien Peruana - Peru
Sociedad Tolkien Española - Spain
Angmar - Sweden
The Tolkien Society - United Kingdom
Heren Istarion - United States of America
Skies of Rohan - United States of America
Unquendor - The Netherlands

Next to the official Tolkien Societies there are a huge amount of Tolkien communities who are doing fantastic and wonderfull work.
They are only present on the internet and have a very international audiance and public. Down here i mention some of the more serious and interesting Tolkien Communities. (Once again, if you feel like i missed some important community i am very willing to have a look at it and maybe put it down here).

The Mythopoeic Society
 International organization devoted to mythic literature, including the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams and other Inklings.

The Tolkien books i own, mostly come from these stores:

Tolkien book shelf
Tolkien winkel Leiden
Thornton's Bookshop

Thornton's Bookshop - A long-time dealer in Tolkien books, some rare and usual titles can be found here.

The Publishers of Tolkien books do their very best to maintain their own Tolkien pages: - The dedicated Tolkien site of HarperCollins, tolkien's UK and Worldwide publishers.
Del Rey Books publish Tolkien in paperback format in the USA.
The dedicated Tolkien pages of Houghton Mifflin (HMCO) tolkien's USA hardback publisher. Lots of useful information about USA editions, including the History of Middle-earth books.

Other very interesting Tolkien related links