A Guide to Finding Out-of-Print Books on the Net - Newsgroups

When browsing the web there are many Tolkien communities and lots of small Tolkien collector sites.

Most of them are having a newsletter to which you can inscribe to. Rarely it happens that any newsletter is send at all, or the information you get provided stays uninteresting to you as a collector.

There are though some bigger newsgroups, which are reaching a bigger public, and where you can easely post almost anything on collecting Tolkien, and have much more chance on a pleasing answer.
Tolkien Deluxe Books Set

alt.fan.tolkien: The two major Tolkien newsgroups are largely redundant and there is considerable cross-posting. Use these newsgroups to buy and sell your Tolkien books, make announcements about items you have on internet auctions and discuss all middle-earth and Tolkien related subjects.

rec.arts.books.tolkien: The rec Tolkien newsgroup. The two major Tolkien newsgroups are largely redundant and there is considerable cross-posting. Use these newsgroups to buy and sell your Tolkien books, make announcements about items you have on internet auctions and discuss all middle-earth and Tolkien related subjects.

Tolkien Newsgroups

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