2005 began great for the Tolkien Library! After the very sad news of Humphrey Carpenter's death, only good news kept arriving. There were numerous request for publications of some very interesting studies, most of them will follow in the next few months. The articles will be range from bibliographical studies towards articles on renowned Tolkien illustrators, tolkien's autographs and fake collectables; At the site are up for sale some very scarce and rare Tolkien books, Check them out here. tolkienlibrary.com has caught a glimpse of a list of new books that will be published this year. This list will be completed and published in a few weeks, check the Tolkien Library for more on this. Already this years seems to become very exciting.
The sad news is probably known to you all; On 4 January
2005 Humphrey Carpenter died after a long illness. He was known as a writer
and broadcaster, and, among those interested in Tolkien, and especially
renowned for the "authorised biography of Tolkien", "the
Letters of J.R.R.Tolkien" and "Inklings: C.S.Lewis, J.R.R.Tolkien,
Charles Williams, and their Friends".
More about Humphrey Carpenter and Tolkien here.
has seen a lot of major changes in the first month of the year 2005. The
first and major change is actually happening behind the scenes. The Tolkien
Library has started some interesting researches and bibliographical studies
which, when completed, will be published at the site.
Right now, for example, tolkienlibrary.com
is working on an article for La Feuille de la Compagnie, #4 together with
Michaël Devaux from France: the topics of the later will be "Tolkien
and Old English". The article will be a first try to make a reconstruction
of tolkien's personal library; plus will try to shed a light on when and
how the books were donated towards for example the English Language Faculty
Library in Oxford and the many sales that have been seen by Sotheby's
London, Loomebooks, Daerons, Rowns,... The article will be published in
La Feuille in French, in combination with an English version at the site.
Currently we must be possible to create a list of about 800 books. Yet
a lot of writing to collectors, library's, etc. is still going on. We
gathered already many information, yet there is much more information
needed to fill some holes of knowledge we still miss and to make sure
the article tells a correct story. We prefer to tell no story if it cannot
be certified to be correct and gets the authorisation to be published.
Is there by any means you could provide us with information on the sales
done by fe. Sotheby's London (which was a rather large lot). Or do you
have more info on tolkien's personal library, the donations by Tolkien,
by his family and the many sales (like the one by Daerons, Blackwell,
Loomebooks, ea.). Are there books from tolkien's personal library in your
collection? Can we add them to the list and describe them? Names can but
do not have to be mentioned.
More studies are under development and will be announced soon.
Another major change to the Tolkien Library is that from now on booksellers
can list there books (which must be scarce or rare Tolkien books) up for
sale at tolkienlibrary.com.
Up for sale are some very nice books, ranging from first edition Hobbits,
US and UK Lord of the Rings, limited and signed sets. Check them out here.
The review section had a look into the life of Humphrey Carpenter and took a good look at the first edition of the US hobbit:
To see older reviews visit the review archives
People who want to send there reviews, studies or remarks are welcome to do so, please mail them to info@tolkienlibrary.com. All studies and reviews will be read and after evaluation published at the Tolkien Library (of course your name will be mentioned!).
Help the Tolkien Library
People who want to send there reviews, studies or remarks are welcome to do so, please mail them to info@tolkienlibrary.com. All studies and reviews will be read and after evaluation published at the Tolkien Library (of course your name will be mentioned!).
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